
Do you want your children to be financially responsible and learn how to handle money? Find out tips and advice for teaching children about money.


3 Things You May Need To Help You Bail Someone Out Of Jail

27 October 2016
Finance & Money, Articles

It can be stressful to get a phone call from a spouse, friend, or relative who has been arrested and wants you to bail them out. Before you agree to pay for or arrange for someone's bail, here are three things you may need. Cash to Pay Their Bail When someone you know is arrested, they are taken to jail until they can get a court date with the judge. Sometimes their court date may be several days or weeks away.
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3 Behavioral Modification Techniques To Gain Better Financial Habits With A Certified Financial Planner

25 October 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

Although the education system teaches plenty of different concepts and skills, it usually falls short when it comes to financial planning. 34% of Americans don't have any future financial plans and don't actually really know how they should plan financially for their future. If those statistics speak to you, it's time to dig yourself out of a financial rut by scheduling an appointment with a certified financial planner. A certified financial planner's most important role and responsibility is not to help you invest in stocks or mutual funds, but to help you gain better financial habits through behavioral modification.
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Getting Married On A Budget? Here’s How To Keep Your Personal Loan Manageable

17 October 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

The average cost of a wedding in the United States is about $26,000, which can make getting married feel more like a stressful and inconvenient event than a happy one. Getting a personal loan is an effective way to help cover the costs of your upcoming wedding, but it's a good idea to take steps that will help keep your loan manageable as your marriage plans unfold. Aside from eloping to Las Vegas and buying an inexpensive wedding package or simply heading to the justice of the peace, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your personal loan stays manageable while planning your dream wedding with friends and family at home.
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Why You Should Collect British Coins

14 October 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

If you are a numismatics enthusiast or if you are someone who has just started to learn about rare coins and how they can make a good investment, then you may start your coin collection by purchasing world coins. British coins are some of the most interesting and worthwhile ones that you can collect. Keep reading to learn about British coins and why they are ideal to collect.  British Coins Are Old
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Birthday Gift Ideas For The College Kid Who’s Broke

17 August 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

If your college kid is like most, they likely find themselves strapped for cash at some point during the school year. In fact, an undergraduate survey done in 2016 sheds light on the fact that about two-thirds of college students run out of money before the end of a semester at least once while in school. So this year, consider gifting your kid with one of the following birthday gifts that will provide them with some financial relief:
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About Me
Teaching Your Kids About Money

Do you have children? Do you want them to be financially responsible and learn how to handle money? My name is Donna, and I have successfully taught my own children how to save, invest and make good decisions regarding money. I have developed a plan from my own experiences that I hope you can use to teach your own children how money works and how to best use it. I'll show you how to teach kids to find good deals on items they want and how to open a savings account so their money can grow. Teach your kids about money when they are young and you will be giving them an advantage in life.
