
Do you want your children to be financially responsible and learn how to handle money? Find out tips and advice for teaching children about money.


Elevate Others And Elevate Your Community In The Process: How This Works

8 October 2018
Finance & Money, Blog

Sir Thomas More's social ideals spawned many humanist ideals that others followed. One, in particular, was the concept of elevating the "lowly of state" to higher positions through education. He was one of the first people to conceive of a community where free education for all would help everyone grow in prosperity together. That idea is not lost since many community organizations still try to do this today. If you want to elevate your community by elevating others, here is how to do it.
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5 Benefits To Hiring A Bail Bonds Pro

19 July 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you're dealing with the unfortunate situation of having a loved one in jail, you may be feeling a lot of upset emotions and added stress. No one wants their family member or friends to have to sit in jail. The good news is there are ways to get help and to get their life back on track. You may be able to bail your loved one out of jail so they can be at home to wait for the next steps in the legal process.
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Taking Out A Home Equity Loan? 3 Things You Should Know

20 April 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Do you want to pay off credit card debt or other types of debt? Does your home need improvements? Or do you simply have some unexpected expenses? If this is the case, you may want to look into taking out a home equity loan. With a home equity loan, the amount you receive is based on your home's value. Your home is also used as collateral for this type of loan.
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3 Keys For Finding Ideal Home Lending

7 February 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

When you need to get the most out of your home lending, it's important that you touch base with some great professionals. There are lots of steps you can take to make the most of the mortgage process, so do what you can to reach out to mortgage lenders to interview them, and do your own homework in the process. With these points in mind, take advantage of the points in this article in order to get what you need out of your mortgage for the long haul.
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Want To Refinace Your Mortgage For A Better Interest Rate? Try These Tips!

2 December 2017
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Whether your goal is to pay off some debt or to add an addition to the back of your home, if you are interested in refinancing your mortgage and want a better interest rate on the new loan, you will want to take some proactive measures. Some of the things you will want to try include: Keep Up With Your Payments Even if your current interest rate is causing your minimum loan payments to be extra hard on your budget, you will need to make it a point to place this debt as a top priority over any other type of debt.
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About Me
Teaching Your Kids About Money

Do you have children? Do you want them to be financially responsible and learn how to handle money? My name is Donna, and I have successfully taught my own children how to save, invest and make good decisions regarding money. I have developed a plan from my own experiences that I hope you can use to teach your own children how money works and how to best use it. I'll show you how to teach kids to find good deals on items they want and how to open a savings account so their money can grow. Teach your kids about money when they are young and you will be giving them an advantage in life.
