
Do you want your children to be financially responsible and learn how to handle money? Find out tips and advice for teaching children about money.


Improve The Chances Of An SBA Loan Approval For Your Consulting Firm

18 September 2019
Finance & Money, Blog

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans are technically government-backed loans. However, this factor does not make access to these funds a free-for-all. Every year, a number of consulting firms are denied these loans for a variety of reasons. Learn how you can help avoid this outcome. Quantifiable Experience You need to have verified success in the area of consulting that your business is centered around. For example, if you worked for years as a public relations consultant, it might be hard to apply for a loan for a new financial consulting firm.
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Does Your House Need A New Roof? 3 Tips To Help You Through The Process Of Applying For A Personal Loan

17 July 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Unexpected house repairs can catch you by surprise and leave you scrambling to come up with the finances to handle it all. While you might not have enough saved up to manage a roof repair, you also know that allowing water to drop into your home creates even more damage that will require services that cut into your budget. Fortunately, personal loans are available to help you cover your home repairs, and you can enjoy knowing that you have the money you need to maintain your house's value and safety.
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Three Ways To Prepare Before Investing In The Stock Market

17 May 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Investing in the stock market can be a great way to diversify your investments, and it can be fun to control which stocks you buy and sell. However, beginning investors will want to take some steps to prepare before sinking any money into a publicly traded company. Here are some strategies you can use to prepare for stock market investing. Purchase A Guidebook Understanding the jargon associated with trading is a key component to being successful.
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Bail Bonds: Important Information

13 March 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Even if you're engaged in minor criminal activity that could get you arrested, you might not expect that to happen. When you consider that possibility, you may think that you'll just be bailed out quickly. However, you should have this information about standard bail bonds so that you're not shocked when you need one. You May Not Be Able to Secure a Bond Right Away Myths created by law-related television programs and crime movies help people to think that bail is quick and simple.
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Buying A Home? 4 Reasons To Choose An Adjustable Rate Mortgage

21 December 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you're in the market for a new home, and you're looking at mortgage options, you owe it to yourself to consider an adjustable rate mortgage, or ARM. Adjustable rate mortgages are gaining in popularity, especially now that interest rates are so low. Here are just four of the reasons why an ARM may the right option for you. Lower Monthly Payments to Start If you need lower monthly payments right now, but your financial situation will be changing in a few years, an ARM may be just what you're looking for.
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About Me
Teaching Your Kids About Money

Do you have children? Do you want them to be financially responsible and learn how to handle money? My name is Donna, and I have successfully taught my own children how to save, invest and make good decisions regarding money. I have developed a plan from my own experiences that I hope you can use to teach your own children how money works and how to best use it. I'll show you how to teach kids to find good deals on items they want and how to open a savings account so their money can grow. Teach your kids about money when they are young and you will be giving them an advantage in life.
